Make Me a DSS Souleye (Ver. 1.6) - a VED plugin

Started by Lollipop, July 22, 2019, 05:40:14 AM

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Note: only places tiles and backing. The rest is up to you and your imagination

read in VED for more information (also, min ver 1.6.0)

if it explodes your pc or anything like that, do tell please

UPDATE 1.1: fixed crashes that would happen when trying to create a ship on the edge of the map; undo now works (albeit room by room); also ved now recognizes ship creation as an unsaved change

UPDATE 1.2: now creates the ship's exterior as an option (as according to Marengo's Revenge by DaKook)

UPDATE 1.3: fixed some weird bug, and added terminals in Violet's room

UPDATE 1.4: now works with VED 1.7.0

UPDATE 1.5: now compliant with VED 1.7.1; in more detail: terminals now have the necessary data to not crash when saving a VCE level

UPDATE 1.6: now compliant with VED 1.10.0

moth ✨


finally, our dss souleye-related troubles have been vanquished


UPDATE 1.1 is out and features: fixed crashes that would happen when trying to create a ship on the edge of the map; undo now works; also ved now recognizes ship creation as an unsaved change

im the bad guy duh

Ally 🌠

this is great

do you think you could make what rooms it places customizable? itd help people who are lazy


Quote from: -Kiwi Alexia ♡ on July 23, 2019, 12:51:53 AM
this is great

do you think you could make what rooms it places customizable? itd help people who are lazy

honestly that sounds like itd be hard to do and be more effort than its worth, im lazy too

if you don't need some of the rooms then you can just use the cut tool in VED to get rid of them.

as well, pressing undo will remove the rooms in the following order:  :vermillion: :vitellary: :viridian: :violet: :verdigris: :victoria: so if you want a ship without vermillion's room for example you can make a ship and hit undo once.


UPDATE 1.2: now creates the ship's exterior as an option (as according to Marengo's Revenge by DaKook)

see op for download

the order in which the rooms are undone is kinda funky so i encourage you to try it out


UPDATE 1.3: fixed some weird bug, and added terminals in Violet's room

see op for DL


UPDATE 1.4: now compliant with ved 1.7.0

see op for down load


UPDATE 1.5: terminals edited to be compatible with VCE (for VED 1.7.1)

see op for dl

Box Shards


I got this error when launching in VED 1.8.0, and if I continued, and tried to load in the DSS Souleye but it wouldn't load it in.

VED Version: 1.8.0
Download Used:
Issue: Failed to find "function rotateroom180(rx, ry, undoing)" in roomfunc.lua

Hope this can help for a bugfix, cuz this also causes a Crash when copying the details and also Causes a Crash Screen Crash when trying to Copy the Crash Details


The rotateroom180 function now looks like function rotateroom180(rx, ry, altst, undoing), so that's why it can't find it, and it would need to be changed two times in sourceedits.lua. (Though a hook would've probably been a bit better to add these functions instead of a find and replace.)


With permission from Lollipop, I've released version 1.6 of this plugin to fix compatibility with recent versions of Ved.

In more detail: the file paths "uis/map" and "drawmap" have been changed to "uis/map/elements" and "uis/map/draw" respectively, and terminals no longer have VCE data (the data was harmless, but obsolete).